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Add Pictures in a Picture Block

There are several ways to add images in a website:

  • Picture Block — The Picture Block holds only one image and is the easiest way to display a single image.
  • Picture Album — Holds collections of images with the possibility of displaying names and descriptions.
  • General Text — In general text, pictures may be inserted along with text and links. General text is found in the General Block and in other blocks like the Articles Block and Bulletin Boards Block.

The Picture Block

The picture block is the easiest way to add a simple picture. It holds only one image, but allows control over more aspects of the image including size, permissions, etc.

Steps: How to Add Pictures in a Picture Block

1. On the HotDoodle Toolbar, click on the "Block" tab.

2. Click on the "Add Block" button.

3. On the webpage, click on the "Add Here" button to add the block.

4. Click on the "Picture Block" button.


5. Click on the "Insert this block" button.

6. Click on the "Choose File" button.

7. In the pop up screen, navigate to the image file to use and click on it.
HotDoodle allows the following image formats: .jpeg, .png, .tif, and .gif. 

8. Click on the "Open" button to upload the image file.

9. Type the desired display size for the image.
HotDoodle can only display images at a max size as the pixel dimensions of the original. HotDoodle can scale images down, but anytime an image is displayed smaller than the original, quality may be lost. To retain image quality, display images at original size. 

10. Type a picture caption and format (optional).

11. Choose a position for the image caption from the Position drop-down menu. 
Select Overlay to have the text appear on top of the image to give it the look of a custom graphic. See: Picture Block Advanced Options for positioning controls of a caption over an image.



12. Click on the "Save" button.


Picture Block Advanced Options

Steps: How to View Picture Block Advanced Options

1. Click on the "Edit" icon above the Picture Block.

2. Click on the "Advanced" tab.

3. Set the Advanced options.

4. Click on the "Save" button.

Picture Block Advanced Options

Picture Click Disabled - If this option is checked, the image will not open a larger view of the image when clicked and it cannot be linked to a URL.

Clicks Go to URL - This option allows the image to become a link by adding a URL in this field.

Alt Image Text - This option allows the addition of Alt (Alternate) Image Text for an image. Alt Image Text is useful for the visually impaired to describe an image when he/she cannot view it. Alt Image Text also appears as hover text and can be used by search engines to properly identify content in the website.

Copyright Comment - This option, if text is entered, will be generated next to the image in an HTML comment

Thumbnail Cannot be Shared - This option restricts the ability to share a thumbnail. A thumbnail will still be generated and shown, but it will not be selectable in passages or as a background. This is useful mainly for backgrounds and other special images where resizing is inappropriate.

Caption Overlay Position - This option allows the selection of precise positioning of the text caption overlaying the image. Using the overlay option can gives the look of a custom image.

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