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Logging Into Your HotDoodle Site

There are three ways to log into your HotDoodle website

  • From the main site
  • From a login block within the site
  • From the Emergency Login page

Login from the HotDoodle Main Site
01 home

Browse to and click the login link

02 login main

Enter your email address and password.

03 sitelist

Click "Edit" next to the desired site.

Many dynamic sites have a login block in them have a login area somewhere, like that on the right.

Note that the location may vary.   It could be the home page, it could be a Members page, or it could be hidden in an obscure About subpage.

If your site has such a block you can browse to it and use it to login.

Emergency Login Page

Most sites that where logins is only by a single site owner do not have a login area within the site and the site owner instead logs in through and uses the "edit" link next to their site on the My Stuff page.

Most multi-user sites have a login area somewhere, like that on the right.

If you do not have such a block you can use the emergency login page, and you can use this also help you recover your site from a fatal error. For example: You might delete all ways to login for the site; you might create a layout that is unreadable or unusable such dark text on a dark background; or you might delete the menu or large portions of the menu and are unable to navigate the site.

  1. If you are the site owner you may visit, login, and click on the open link next to the site listing in "My Stuff". This will log you in with administrative privileges.
  2. Any site user can visit the /login.php page such as The login.php page is a page with a login block, a full site menu, and the ability to set look and layouts. It can be used to regain control of sites that have been edited so as to be unusable. This special page does not use your look, layout, colors, or headers.

Emergency login page:
   add "/login.php" to the site address, such as 

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