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The HotDoodle Toolbar appears in edit mode within the website. This toolbar provides several functions for adding pages, editing page name and properties, and adding blocks within the website. It also makes the edit buttons active on all blocks within the current page.

The website editing interface has two main modes: Edit and Preview. The Edit mode allows changes and additions to all pages. The Preview mode allows review of the changes as a visitor to the website would see them.

Three options are always available at the immediate left of the Toolbar. The most prominent feature is the “Click to Preview/Click to Edit” button. This button toggles the website between the two modes. Below this button are two checkboxes. The first checkbox option turns editing on and off for the header, sidebar and footer. The second checkbox option allows editing of any containers on the page.

The Toolbar also has six menu panels with additional functions:

  • Welcome – The Welcome panel features buttons to help you get started with your HotDoodle account. The Welcome tab is the default view for the HotDoodle Toolbar.
  • Block – The Block panel contains buttons that allow you to add a new block, copy an existing block, move an existing block or delete an existing block. If you choose to archive a deleted block, you can use the restore button to retrieve it. This menu also contains a short video reviewing the use of blocks within your website.
  • Pages/Menus – The Page panel contains a series of buttons related to the pages within your website. The Edit Page Properties button allows changing of the page name and other attributes. The Manage All Pages button provides access to all of the pages within the website. The next few buttons allow you to add, delete, restore or move a page within your website. The Search Engine View button demonstrates the way the current page would look to a search engine such as Google.
  • Appearance – The Appearance panel allows you to change or edit your current theme, including the background color and layout of the entire website. 
  • Administration – The Administration panel provides access to the overall settings for the website. The User and Group Accounts button allows the creation and management of website users and groups. The Configure Site button opens the site publication screen to make behind the scenes changes to the website. The Site Logs button opens screens for analysing website tracking data. The Back up Site buton allows a manual back up of the website. (The Administration panel contains many advanced features. Please review the information about these features in the User Guide before making changes in this area.) 
  • Help – The Help panel provides access to HotDoodle’s support features such as this guide, videos, PenPals and customer support. 

When logging out of a HotDoodle account, the browser displays the website as it appears to visitors.

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