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Pictures can Open as Overlays

Pictures can oven in a "lightbox" style overlay.  
For example, clicking this picture opens the picture block help video.

Used the Advanced tab

URLs that Show HotDoodle Content

The magic formula of the Clicks Go to URL value that will show almost any HotDoodle content is


Where all that differs is the CID.

CID means "container id" and is the numericial identifier of the attachment of the object to its container.   The important thing to remember is that if you edit or configure almost any block you will see a cid.   For example, as we edit this description, our browser shows

So to show this block as a overlay we would use 


And here it is. Click the picture to see.

Note that even containers have CIDs, so you could have a multi-column or multi block container and show all that it contains. Just edit the container, get the CID, and use it.


If all you need is a video to play as an overlay, then use the built in ability within the Flash / Video block.


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