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Editing Raw HTML

There are three ways to edit or insert raw HTML code

  1. Via the HTML button in the text editor present in most blocks
  2. Via the general block in raw HTML mode
  3. Via the Special Cases Block - needed if the HTML contains javascript or unsafe tags.

From Most Edit Screens

Most text editing offers a HTML option at the end of the second line.

Enter Raw Edit.jpg

A popup windows opens where you can edit the raw HTML.

The editor, however, may "clean up" certain fancy HTML, possibly disrupting it. 

raw edit window.jpg





Via the General Block in raw HTML mode

General blocks have an advanced tab


Here you will be able to set the edit mode. 

You MUST SAVE after doing this and re-edit.



When again edited the raw HTML is present -- and is not cleaned up when saved.

Entering iFrame Elements

Iframes are best entered "Via the General Block in raw HTML mode". This way whatever you entred stays exactly as you entered it (other than any unsafe elements), and when you edit it later it is immediately visible and easily altered.

Raw does not mean Unsafe

You may enter raw HTML, however, potentially unsafe HTML will be stripped / gutted.

Any form of scripting, including Javascript, is potentially unsafe. Evil code can be loaded by reference in just a few characters. These scripts could then send the logins or keystrokes of your visitors elsewhere, they can install malware, they can pop-up porn, or can attack the server or its disks. Many scripts do not do any of these things, but they could, and if you are not the author of the script you probably do not really know what it does, you only know what somebody told you it does.

If you need scripts, you must use the special cases block and get approval.

iFrames are safe. Very weird stuff can be within an iFrame, but the nature of iFrames is that they are intrinsically secure -whatever happens within the frame cannot affect what happens outside.     iFrames do sometimes get "fixed" by the text editor and cannot be entered as raw HTML that way. For iframes use the General block in Raw HTML mode.


Example of Using Raw HTML to Enable Google Maps

As an example, below is a google map location entered "via the General Block in raw HTML mode".

First we went to and found the desired address – HotDoodle's headquarters in this case.

Using Google's link icon we find that the link for email or IM is:,+fremont,+ca

And the "Paste HTML to embed in website" code is:

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=
/><small><a href=";source=embed&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=hotdoodle,+fremont,+ca&amp;aq=
" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

Following the instructions for a general block in Raw HTML we inserted such a block and pasted in the above iframe code. The results are below.

The map above works and is dynamic, but might not be the preferred size and level of expansion we prefer. Google gives you some customization options and you can use them, or you can go to plan b:

Plan B: Insert the exact image you want linked to google maps.

To the is a picture block with the map image we prefer. The advanced options were used to enter the link Google supplied, so when the picture is clicked Google Maps opens.

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