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Store Images on the Website

Web pages handle images in an unusual manner. The images seen when viewing a web page are not really on that web page. Instead, all that is really on the web page is a reference to an image stored somewhere else. In short, the actual image is on a server, and then each webpage references the image on that server and display it on the desired web page.

In HotDoodle, you have two options for storing images appearing on your web pages:

  • Store the image within your website on the HotDoodle web server.
  • Store the image on another web server of your choice.

The most reliable method is to store your images on the HotDoodle web server. This ensures image will be available as long as you needed. The main mechanism for storing images is the Picture Album Block. It allows uploading, annotating, and storing collections of images. When you want to add images to the website, you can reference these images from the album(s). When an image is added to an album, it is really added to the server and given a URL address for where it is located on that server. 

The Store Room

Every HotDoodle website is automatically built with a Store Room web page. The Store Room page is only visible to website owners and administrators when logged in. This page is used to store files you might feature in your website but do not want the visitors to see directly. A common use for the Store Room is to store images referenced along with text in General Blocks.When you add images to the General Block by uploading directly from a computer, HotDoodle automatically uploads the image to the Store Room Picture Album Block and places the reference on the web page. This automatic upload is the reason why images appear in the Store Room that were not manually placed there.

The Store Room page can also be used to store blocks configured that are currently not being using, but might be used later. The Store Room has the added benefit of keeping all images and website assets in one place connected to the website.

Find an Image's URL for Reference Use

When an image is added to an album, it is really added to the server and given a URL address for where it is located on that server. This URL is the reference the web pages need to display the Image on the desired page. Each URL includes the name of the file in the URL; therefore, there can never be two image files with the same name or else the reference would not work correctly. To protect against this problem, HotDoodle blocks the upload of an image file with the same name. To upload a revised image with the same file name, the original would need to be removed prior to upload. See: Picture Album Block

Steps: How to Find an Image's URL

1. Click on an image that is within a Picture Album Block on the website.

2. In the pop up window of the picture, click on the "Show URL" link below the image. The image's URL will display below the image.

3. Copy the URL for reference use in General Blocks on the website.

4. Close the pop up by clicking on the red "X" when finished.

5. Click on the "Return to Main Page" button on the HotDoodle Toolbar to return to your website and use the image reference.

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