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How Important is being Mobile to YOUR site?

Why This Matters

The world is going mobile.  Show a visitor something that is hard to read and they go away.

Additionally Google lowers the search rankings of non responsive sites for those searching from mobile devices. Other search engines may follow.

Cases Where it Does Not Matter

Some specialty sites may have an industrial audience that does not browse from mobile devices.

Google is not lowering your search ranking overall, only when the search is from a mobile device and these sites are not affected.

Still, mobile is growing.   Even if you do not need mobile now, next month may be different.

Here is a quick summary of how to check the site traffic logs to see how much a factor mobile browsing is for your site.

  • Use the IP Analysis log
  • Use the Skip to Summary link
  • You will see reports and graphs of the amount of mobile visits

If in doubt, write to and we will let you know where you stand with respect to responsive visitors.

Illustrated Mobile Percentage Steps

While logged in, from the toolbar, use
   Administration / Traffic Logs

01 TrafficLogs



You need a good sample set, so click on archives ...

02 archives



In the archives chose a recent week.

03 last week



Click on "IP Access" logs

04 ipAccess



Scroll down a bit and click on "Skip to Summary"

05 skip2summary



The first chart will report on the fraction of your visitors that were mobile.

06 results

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