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Transfer to a Mobile Friendly Responsive Site
Mobile Responsive Sites

Mobile friendly responsive sites are ones that resize and show their content differently or conditionally when viewed from smaller (mobile) screens

Google lowers the search rankings of non responsive sites
for those searching from mobile devices
Click to find out how much this affects you

Some attributes of responsive sites:

  • Resizing pictures, including slideshows, as needed
  • Rearranging columns as needed. (Multiple columns will not fit on a narrow screen)
  • Causing the menu to change to when the screen is small, such as replacing an across the top menu with a "..." expansion button
  • Having links be big and separated -- so they are easy to click by fumbly fingers on a small screen.
  • Wrapping text as needed
  • Not showing some "extra" content because it becomes distracting clutter on a small screen.

What Must Change in HotDoodle to Make a Site Responsive?

New HotDoodle sites are automatically mobile responsive, but classic HotDoodle sites need to be upgraded to use the responsive features.

Examples of the changes needed:

  • Different themes must be used, ones that include responsive CSS
    Custom themes must be redone
  • Pictures and slideshows need conversions to upgraded blocks and views
  • Sidebars must generally go bye-bye
  • Containers (columns) must be upgraded to responsive views
  • Menus must be upgraded to responsive views
  • Some text and layout must be reconsidered to be sure it will always flow
  • Custom graphics must be carefully reconsidered as it will often look bad when resized or repositioned
  • Some content might be best skipped

As you can see, this is a pretty through redo of the site. A fundamental change has occurred, moving from knowing how the site will be viewed to that of having to handle anything, and a redo is appropriate.

Converting to Responsive

HotDoodle will convert a classic HotDoodle site to a responsive site for 30% less than we would charge if we were developing the responsive site from scratch.

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