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Horizontal or Vertical Navigation

For flexibility in design and layout, HotDoodle has options for both Horizontal and Vertical Navigation menus. Editing the Menu Block and changing the block view is how to change from a Horizontal to a Vertical navigation option. Each navigation menu displays the same pages, but in different ways. A horizontal navigation displays sub-pages/children pages as drop-down menu page buttons. A vertical menu displays sub-pages/children pages as indented text page links. The Menu Block views have various options to show or hide sub-pages/children pages. See: Menu Block View Options

Edit a Navigation Menu

To modify how the navigation menu is displayed, change the view on the Menu Block.

Steps: How to Edit a Navigation Menu

1. Click to add a checkmark in the box next to "Configure Blocks" under the Click to Preview button.

Often a navigation menu appears in the common header, sidebar, or footer of a website. To reduce Edit icons on the page, editing is suppressed in these areas unless "Edit Header/Side/Footer" is checked.

2. Click to add a check mark in the box next to "Edit Header/Side/Footer" under the Click to Preview button.

3. Click on the "Configure" icon above the Menu Block.

4. Click on the "View" tab.

5. Click on a view type to select it.

6. Click on the "Save" button.

Menu Block View Options

Navigation menu pages have a parent/child relationship. The page with the highest level is the parent, and any sub-pages are the children. Any pages that appear on the same navigation level are sibling pages. For instance, a Home page that appears at the top of the navigation menu is the parent to any sub-pages below it. If there are multiple pages under that Home page, those pages are all sibling pages to each other. Sub-pages can be displayed as a drop-down menu below the parent page, or indented page links below the parent page.

The view options for the Menu Block determine the display and configuration of all the pages and sub-pages.

Default - This view displays the entire hierarchy of the website as links with all sub-pages indented.

Breadcrumb - This view displays a breadcrumb trail on the web page. A breadcrumb is the trail of pages and sub-pages through the hierarchy of the website that a visitor has clicked on to navigate to the page they are currently viewing. When this option is chosen for the Main Area Layout, the breadcrumb trail appears at the top of the Main Content Area with each page/link in the breadcrumb trail being a clickable link to return to any level in that hierarchy/trail.

Children Only - This view displays sub-pages of the current page and sub-pages another level deeper. This view displays a vertical list of page links with the sub-pages indented.

Collapsing Hierarchy - This view displays all root pages, all ancestor pages, the current page, and all pages directly under the current page.

Direct Children Only - This view displays only the sub-pages of the current page.

Directional - This view displays a next page link and a previous page link for linear page navigation.

Directional Small - This view displays a forward arrow link and backward arrow link for linear page navigation.

EZ Properties - This view displays the view permission properties of the page and a button to elect to convert the page to a private page.

Expanding Hierarchy - This view displays all pages and sub-pages in a vertical list of links.

Expanding Hierarchy Buttons - This view displays all pages and sub-pages in a vertical list of buttons.

Expanding SubHierarchy - This view displays the current page and its sub-pages in a vertical list of links.

Flat Nav - This view displays a horizontal list of page links with a line in between each. The Flat Nav wraps and can contain multiple rows of page links. This view does not display sub-pages.

Full Hierarchy - This view displays all pages and sub-pages in a vertical list of links.

Marked Hierarchy - This view displays all pages and sub-pages in a vertical list of links with an arrow or marker denoting the current active page.

Nav to First Child - This view cannot be seen by the public. This view is a function instead. When this view is added to a page, a visitor who clicks on that page will be taken to the first sub-page instead. This function is used for summary pages with no content.

Owner - This view displays only pages owned by the logged in user.

Root Page Only - This view displays only the root pages as links.

Root Pages Only - This view displays only the root pages of the navigation menu in a vertical list of links.

Siblings Only - This view displays only the current page and any sibling pages to the current page, but no root or sub-pages. The sibling pages display as a vertical list of links.

Site Map - This view displays all pages and sub-pages of the entire website. The sitemap is a vertical listing of page links.

Top Nav - This view displays a horizontal list of page links with a line in between each. The Top Nav wraps and can contain multiple rows of page links. This view does not display sub-pages.

Top Nav Buttons - This view displays a horizontal list of page buttons. The Top Nav buttons do not wrap to a second row and will widen the web page to fit all navigation menu items in a single line. This view does not display sub-pages.

Top Nav Children - This view displays only the sub-pages of the current page in a horizontal list of links with a line in between each page link.

Top Nav Fancy - This view displays all pages with sub-pages as drop-down menus. This view displays in a horizontal list. The style of this view is set in the theme.

Top Nav Fancy3 - This view displays all pages with sub-pages as drop-down menus. This view displays in a horizontal list. The style of this view is set in the theme and usually includes a different color to denote the current active page.

Top Nav Progressive - This view displays all sub-pages as an additional navigation menu across the entire screen listing page links horizontally.

True Children Only - This view displays sub-pages of the current page in a vertical list of page links.

You Are Here - This view displays the page that the visitor is currently on.

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