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USAePay is a payment gateway that connects your bank, your website, and the various credit card systems.

This screen describes how to use this payment system with HotDoodle

In order for a site to use USAePay a source key must be entered in the Configuration / Payment screen.

The images below show the basic steps to get such a source key. The official details from USAePay can be read here.

Which Fields to Include?

We recommend that you do NOT allow users in the form to edit the billing and shipping addresses.

These edits, if allowed, are not propagated back into your HotDoodle site and can cause support issues where the customer asserts something like "Well I changed my  mind and told you in the last payment screen to ship it to El Paso but you ignored this and shipped it to Fremont instead".

Continued »

Creating a Payment Form

Log into the virtual terminal.

1 login

Click the settings button.

2 settings

Click the source keys button.

3 sourcekeys

Add or select a form. Each "source" is a form with its own choice of colors and HTML.

4 chooseSource

The first section defines the behavior of the form.

5 behavior

The next section controls the form contents and look.

6 form contents

You may use your own HTML.

6b customform

The last section is where the form goes.

You do NOT need to set the approed and declined URL, they are set in HotDoodle's link to the form.

Any value for Transaction Result is ok, but it is best to use their recomendation.

7 post settings

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