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Articles Block Views

Default - This view displays a single list of articles. Each article is shown with the title, portion of the body text, and an image if specified.

Bulleted - This view displays a bulleted list of articles, where the bullet appears next to each article title. Each article is shown with the title, portion of the body text, and an image if specified. Article can also be configured to pop up when the cursor hovers over the title.

Content Rotate - This view displays only one article title and summary at random from a group of articles. The article rotates to a new article each time the page is visited.

Content Rotate Marquee - This view displays the article summary scrolling across the screen like a marquee sign. The article rotates to a new scrolling article each time the page is visited.

FAQ - This view is similiar to the Default view, but it automatically replaces the article title and summary with a Question and Answer format, where the title is the question and the summary is the answer. This view can be used for an entire Frequently Asked Questions page.

Interview - This view allows users with permissions to provide requested information. The title specifies the requested information, and the summary is where the requested information is entered. This view can be used to create member profiles.

Interview Table - This view is similiar to the Interview view, but adds a two column format for a question and answer table.

Owned - This view filters the articles and only shows the articles owned by the user. This view can be used in member private pages to show the profile of only that member, while mirrors of this block can use different views to show all profiles in another location.

Pull Down - This view shows the titles of articles in a group as choices in a pull down. When a title is selected from the drop down, that article is displayed. The summary and formatting options are not used in this view.

Two Column - This view is for use with categories where the categories are listed in the first column, and the articles related to those categories are shown in the second column.

Select a Different View For the Articles Block

Steps: How to Select a Different View For the Articles Block

1. Click to add a check mark in the box next to "Configure Blocks" under the Click to Preview button.

2. Click the "Config Articles Block" link above the Articles Block you want to change the view for.


3. Click the "View" tab.

4. Click on the view you would like to select for the Articles Block.

5. Click the "Save" button.

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