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Emails with the Website Inbox

The Bulletin Board Block is the best way to regularly communicate with the users of the website and this block contains many features that help ensure repeatable, organized, and well formatted email communication.

If there is necessity to send a quick one-time email communication without posting it on the website or saving a copy like the bulletin board does, use the Inbox built into the website. This inbox may be reached in two ways:

  1. From the "My Info" link shown with the Welcome message in the Login Block
  2. From the Mail Block added to the website

Since, all users on the website have access to their account via the "My Info" link, all users can compose and send an email to other groups and individuals on the website. This feature is useful to build a community among the users on the website. Groups or individuals with setting configured to block or redirect email wil not receive the email communications. This protects each user from receiving unwanted emails. To see the steps to configure communication setting for users and groups, see: Edit a User and Edit Existing Groups

Check the Inbox From the My Info Link

Steps: How to Check the Inbox From the My Info Link

1. Click on the "My Info" link next to the welcome message on the Login Block.

2. Click on the "View Inbox" link.

3. Click on an email to view.

4. Click on the "Return to the Main Page" button.

Add the Mail Block

Step: How to Add the Mail Block

1. On the HotDoodle Toolbar, click on the "Block" tab.

2. Click on the "Add Block" button.

3. On the webpage, click on the "Add Here" button where the Mail Block will display.

4. Click on the "Mail" block.

5. Click on the block view.

6. Click on the "Insert this block" button.

Mail Block View Options
The Mail Block has three view options to display the inbox.
  • Default – This view shows the message center and title to every logged in user, even if there are currently no messages. The inbox link appears. 
  • Passive – This view shows the message center and title to a logged in user only if there are unread messages. The “inbox” link appears. 
  • Sender – This view shows the message center and title to a logged in user but in a “send-only” mode. The “send mail” link appears.

Using the Inbox to Send an Email

Steps: How to Use the Inbox to Send an Email

1. From inside the Inbox, Click on the "Compose Message" link.

2.  Select which Groups and Individuals will receive the email by clicking on the name and blue arrow to move that name from the “Excluded” box to the "Included" box.

Click and use the arrows to select and Include groups and individuals to send the email to.

3. Type in a Subject line for the email.

4. Type in a body for the email.

5. Click on the "Save" button.

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